Sitemap - 2023 - Move Better, Feel Better, Do More!

My Dad Was Spiderman

Restack: Establishing a Daily Mobility Routine

Would You Like To Get More Out Of Your Hips?

Pull Yourself Up By The Bootstraps

Coaching 101: Engage, Educate, Empower

Spinal Health: Stop Bending Your Back?

3 Things I Wish I Knew as a NEW Trainer

November Mobility Snack: Shoulder External Rotation

Chapter 4. Baby Steps: A Fresh Start Abroad in Korea

Don't Be Afraid to Strength Train Your Back

3 Easy Ways to Earn More Money Next Month as a Personal Trainer

Don't Wait Until You're Injured. Strengthen Your Rotator Cuff

Spinal Health: Build a Stronger Low Back

Sharing is Caring: Get a FREE Month's Subscription When You Invite your friends to read Move Better, Feel Better, Do More!

Spinal Health: Assessing Your Spinal Mobility

3 Easy Knee Strength Exercises You Can Do At Home

October Mobility Snack: Intro to Knee Rotation

Chapter 3. The Beginning Is The End Is The Beginning

Are You Squatting or Running on Sketchy Hips, Knees and Ankles?

Top 3 Things You Must Do Right Now to Accelerate Your Business Growth

Chapter 2. Alone: How Did I Get Here?

All That Stretching and Foam Rolling NOT Improving Your "Tight" Hamstrings?

Chapter 1. Farang: The Foreigner

We Gotta Start Somewhere

Tight Hip Flexors? Consider These 2 Things!

Spinal Health: How to Train Your Low Back

September Mobility Snack - Hips & Spine

Yoga Mobility: Are Your Hips Affecting Your Low Back?

Spinal Health: Move Your Spine More Daily

Compete? Collaborate? Or Both?

Part 3: Downward Dog is NOT for ALL Bodies

Part 2: Downward Dog is NOT for ALL Bodies

Bonus Mobility Snack - Ground Based Movement

Part 1: Downward Dog is NOT for ALL Bodies

How Might Your Hips may be Driving Your Low Back Issues?

August Mobility Snack: Hips Singapore

Is Your Fitness Training Program Right for You?

Re-stack: Your Knee is Supposed to Rotate

3 Things I Wish I Did Sooner to Grow My Fitness Business

Re-stack: Sports is NOT Inherently Healthy

Criss Cross Applesauce: When Sitting on the Floor Became Too Difficult

Hips: How to Integrate Joint Specific Mobility Training Into Your Program

3 Things I Wish I'd Done With My Hips Before 40

July Mobility Snack: Move More at Your Desk

Being an Adult is Stupid

Part II: Stretching More Won't "FIX" Your "Tight" Hip Flexors or will it?

5 Ways I'm using AI to Enhance My Personal Training Business

3 Ways to Improve Your Hip Flexors

Range of Motion: How My Time in South Korea Helped Define My Understanding of Mobility

The AI Revolution: Changing the Fitness Landscape

Are Your Hips Limiting Your Squat Depth?

Build-U: A Space for Fitness Professional Growth

June Mobility Snack: Improve Your Hip Rotation Strength

Pigeon Pose is NOT for Every Body!

5 Things I Wish I Knew About Diet and Exercise Back Then

Your Training is NOT Specific Enough

Unlock Your Athletic Potential: The Secret Role of Knee & Ankle Mobility

*Update: Move Better Feel Better Do More is Evolving and Expanding

Part I: Stretching MORE Won't "Fix" Your "Tight" Hips

Could You Have Prevented Your Ankle Sprain?

Join my chat

A Knee that Doesn't Rotate is NOT Healthy

Yoga is NOT the Answer For Sports Performance

Establishing a Daily Mobility Routine

My Atomic Salsa Habit & Your Mobility Training

Room for Movement: Maintaining Joint Health and Mobility as We Age

"In The Sum Of The Parts There Are Only The Parts"

Uknown Unknowns: Things that you don't know that you don't know

The Case for Longer, Slower, Cardio Training

My 2021 Top Reads List

Why Hip Mobility is Important

Minimalist Shoes Won't "FIX" Your Foot Problems

The Internal Strength Approach to your Fitness: Part II

The Internal Strength Approach to your Fitness: PART 1

Your Strength is the Control of Self

Healthier Hips for Runners

Your Knee is Supposed to Rotate

Ankle Sprain Prevention or Mitigation?