3 Ways to Improve Your Hip Flexors
So many people are constantly trying to stretch their Hip Flexors, but often neglect the strength aspect of their Hip Flexors, especially in their shortened range.
If you want better Hip Flexion, then you actually have train it.
If you want a deeper Squat then you actually need to acquire the range of motion necessary for it. We magically think that just loading the bar up and letting the weight push us into spaces is the answer. But why are we loading space that we have no control over?
When we do that our body will coordinate the movement to give us what we ask, but that doesn’t mean your Hip Flexion is getting better. Often times you’ll find that your compensating through other areas to access these ranges.
So here’s 3 easy ways to start training to improve your Hip Flexion:
PAILs & RAILs - PAILs and RAILs stand for Progressive and Regressive Angular Isometric Loading. That’s just a fancy way of saying training both sides of the joint using isometrics. Regressive tissue being shortened tissue and Progressive tissue being the lengthened tissue.
Lift Offs - these can be used to train Regressive tissue. The closer you are to end range of your motion, the more challenging the exercise becomes. The more challenging it becomes, the more neurologically demanding it becomes because you have to give more effort. Try it and you’ll understand what I mean.
Passive Range Holds - these holds are where you take your hip to passive range and attempt to hold. In this movement we are trying to capture strength in our fullest range of motion. This can be done for time for endurance and later can be loaded to reduce time under tension for strength.
Learn how to incorporate this into your Training in the 12 Week Hip Mobility Program Reloaded launching this July!
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