
October Mobility Snack: Intro to Knee Rotation

Improve your Knee Rotational Range and Strength with this short Mobility Snack

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Rotation is the fundamental movement of your knee joint. Yes, I know most people will think isn’t it flexion and extension (bending) of the knee. In order for the knee to bend, the bones need to rotate well in relation to one another.

You can see this more clearly in the bottom of a squat which requires a fair bit of relative internal rotation of the tibia at the very bottom. Sometimes this lack of rotation can be at the bottom of someone’s ability to achieve depth, or be part of the reason the toes turn out. The hips are usually a big part of this, but the knee is also important.

In this Mobility Snack we go through a few inputs that might help you with your Tibial Internal Rotation (Knee Internal Rotation).

This is no way is a complete training protocol, nor is it meant to assess or correct any knee issues you may have. It does however shed light on an area of training that you may be missing.

For more complete mobility training programs you can:

Below you’ll find the protocol for this Month’s Mobility Snack.

The full video is for paid subscribers