Running: Improving Your "Tight" Hips is NOT just for runners
Learn how you can improve your Hip Mobility for the activities you love
I’ve worked with many recreational and competitive runners over the years. I’ve also worked with many athletes whose sport requires a fair bit of running. However, Hip “tightness” isn’t solely reserved for runners.
One of the things that is highly overlooked is our Hip’s mobility.
It’s odd that we would overlook this, considering the Hips are involved in just about everything that they do.
All types of athletes report “tight” hips. Many athletes that I’ve worked with have shown to have “tight”, or a more useful word would be “restricted” Hip movements in some directions, dependent upon the demands of their sport.
My Golf clients benefit tremendously from improved hip rotation. Clients who have more hip capacity often aren’t reporting lower back issues.
We don’t seem to recognize how the hips and spine must play nicely together.
Unlike more dynamic athletes such as Basketball, Soccer or Football players who at a minimum move in a variety of directions, many people who run straight forward for long periods of time in my small pool seem to show more restrictions in rotation.
My client pool does not qualify as a research study, however we should be able to extract some useful ideas from this small sample size and at a minimum develop a solid thought process around our “Why”.