Staying committed to mobility training can be a challenge. Keeping up with Mobility Snacks can also be difficult. I think that one of the most challenging things for people is not knowing how much to do or feeling overwhelmed by the amount of mobility options there are.
In this 7 day program, I outline a very simple program that progresses in volume over the course of the week. If you don’t have a consistent mobility practice, this can help you kickstart it. Sometimes, simply focusing on one thing at a time and giving full effort to it can carry significant benefits.
If you complete 7 days then consider running it back for another 7 days for up to a month.
Because of the low volume and time commitment, it can be fit in anywhere.
One of the things I often tell clients is to not think of their mobility training as having to happen during their “workouts”. You can sneak it in anywhere. I have clients who often tell me that while they are watching sports or something with their family, they get on the floor and knock out a bit.
It’s important that we stop looking at our mobility, exercise, etc as something compartmentalized within a time of day. Instead we should see these inputs as exactly what they are… supplements. So you didn’t take your supplement in the morning. Take it in the afternoon. Take it whenever you can. It’s good for you. More movement is something we all need.
So give this super simple 7 Day program a try.
Let me know how it goes and if you are interested in something more significant, let’s chat and get some monthly programming together for you.